Friday, December 17, 2010

Hardcore Critter

Yep, you're seeing that right, this guy has piercings and lots of them. I was in a mood...don't ask.

(C) Courtney Young

Fuzzy Butt

I call this little goat thing Fuzzy Butt simply because that's what he is. *chuckles*

(C) Courtney Young

Forest Elemental

Not sure what this is but I've dubbed him a forest elemental since he looks like he could be one. I think I was just really wanting to try that hair style and built him around his pet is neat.^^

(C) Courtney Young

The Elder Teacher

This is an unnamed character of mine for a short story I kind of gave up on. Might work on it again but not sure...

(C) Courtney Young

Draconic Mammal

I've always loved furry dragons, thanks in part to Dee Dresloughs wonderful art and world of Dimar, so I draw fuzzy dragons a lot. This is just one.

(C) Courtney Young

Draceohippus Species Sheet

The Draceohippus is a creature I came up with for a short story that may or may not be written, but I love them anyways and may draw more just for the fun of it.

Draceohippus (C) Courtney Young

My Ideal Dinosaur

Another Hybrid. This one have Lambeosaur, Terizinisaur, Stegasaur and Oviraptor in it.

(C) Courtney Young


Yet another Hybrid of mine, done a few months ago or so just because it came to me.

(C) Courtney Young

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Horse Hybrid

I love hybrids, but even I'm not sure what drove me to mix a horse, anteater and a tapir to get this little guy, lol XD

(C) Courtney Young

Dinosaur Alien

Two things I love, aliens and dinosaurs, all mixed into one critter. The little vestigial arms really don't do much more then help him stand when he's laying like this.

(C) Courtney Young

Diablo and Poe

Diablo (the dragon) and Poe (the goat bird) are my Inner Guardians, or creatures in my mind that help me deal with things. Diablo helps with my anger issues and Poe is my depression. They both change color...the more blue Diablo is the calmer I am and the more black Poe has the more depressed, I think you get it.

Diablo and Poe (C) Courtney Young

Desert Unicorn

Too much Discovery Channel and Fantasy books again...just a little desert Unicorn, kinda looks like an antelope I guess but I like it.

(C) Courtney Young

Confused Elegance

The title says it pretty elegant but confused looking little critter I came up with. And yes, he is male with female naughty bits below the waist, don't judge me. *chuckles*

(C) Courtney Young

Chimera Hybrid

I love Hybrids so a lot of my art has to do with those, mixing creatures up to make a whole new one. Not real sure what all is in this one though.

WIP (C) Courtney Young

Bowen Nightshade

Bowen Nightshade is a hippogryph character I came up with a long time ago. I love him, especially his tattoos, but his right wing is off so I may have to re-do him eventually.

(C) Courtney Young

Realistic Big Bird

Big Bird was the first in a line of realistic Muppets I wanted to do but so far I've hit a wall of creative blocks with the project. Not sure if it'll happen now but I'm still quite happy with him. Even if my mother thinks he's creepy.

Big Bird (C) Sesame Workshop/Jim Henson
Image (C) Courtney Young


Eight is a Xenomorph character I came up with...just because I'm a huge fan of the Aliens franchise and I wanted to try my hand at drawing my own Xeno.

Zen is the first Xeno I tried drawing and my had hated me afterwards...I vowed never to draw another but then Eight came about, so yeah...I'll probably draw more eventually. They're just too cool not to. (He's a WIP by the way, he's an albino but I haven't put any shading in yet.)

Aliens/Xenomorphs (C) Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett and H.R.Giger
Image/Character (C) Courtney Young

Alien Whale

This is the result of too much Discovery Channel and reading too much Fantasy stuff...just an alien whale from some far off planet.

Alien Whale WIP (C) Courtney Young

Alien Creature

Not real sure what this is but it came to my mind one day and I kind of like it...though I can't really see it as feasible, the legs are so close together! Ah well, it's still kind of cool I think.

Alien Creature WIP(C) Courtney Young

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rod Dragon

This is my version of what I think a Rod is. For those that don't know, Rod's are things that show up in photos sometimes that look long and thin with 6 to 8 or more wings. Some people claim they're creatures we haven't identified yet, others say they're just bugs flying in front of cameras with slow shutter speeds. I like to think they may be tiny dragons. *chuckles*

Rod Dragon (C) Courtney Young

Goddess and Unicorn

My very first real painting, of my version of Mother Earth and a guardian Unicorn.

I did this on a found peice of art, a large canvas with hideous flowers painted on it I found on the curb one day. Saw it and knew I could paint over it and the frame was still good so that's what I did. It took me about a week of steady work to get it the way I wanted, all in acrylics and much trial and re-touching along the way until I was satisfied.

Painting (C) Courtney Young


My first attempt at a drum. Used a paper mache flower pot from the craft store, leather sheet and thongs from the same store and acrylic paint.

I made it using the same kind of technique used in ancient times, but I think next time I'll find some thinner leather for the drum head as the thicker leather didn't want to stretch as well and it took forever to dry; I think they treated it with something that prevented it from soaking and drying right.

But lesson learned and it actualy does sound nice, if softer then I wanted.

Drum design (C) Courtney Young

Awww...Poor Thing...

This one was just for fun, but I feel sorry for the poor unicorn.

A little explanation as to why he has balloons tied to his horn:
Lots of medieval images depicting unicorns have them with huge horns, I mean HUGE! So I got to thinking, how would these creatures keep their heads up if they really did have horns that big? Well, with helium balloons of course!

Though he doesn't look to pleased with the solution I came up with...

Sad Uni (C) Courtney Young


I'm not the best at drawing comics, but I think these are funny and so does my husband. Good thing we're the stars of them huh?

He is always garbage disposal, I'm telling you! *chuckles*

Ok, this is kind of gross, use your imagination on the name of the blanket, but it's true! He actually did ask me this! But he never did tell me how it would save the world..hmm... *shudders and laughs*

And this one is kind of true. My husband HATES asparagus and I joke about forcing him to eat it...nevermind that in reality he's 6'3" and nearly 300 lbs and could break me in half if he wanted to...I want him to eat it cause I love it and it's good for you and heck, tastes nummy! *innocent look*

Like I said, not the best at comics but I like them.

ALL (C) Courtney Young

Jakan Tribe

Another illustration for a short story that may or may not ever be done. Kind of concept art for it and their habitat/beasts of burden.

Jakans and their world (C) Courtney Young

Tasmanian Tiger Anthros

This is Dan and Sami, two Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger anthros I came up with as characters for a *planned* short story. They are father and daughter, but I haven't gotten very far on anything else such as their background, history and whatnot.

Dan and Sami (C) Courtney Young

Unicorn Puppet

I made this years ago, way back when I was around 16 I think or something like that. Anyways, it's old.

I am a huge Muppet fan and I decided to make a puppet of my own one day so I asked my father to bring me home some foam that they used to pack stuff in where he worked. So the frame for it is thin pieces of the foam glued with Elmer's (not recommended and will be changing if I ever do this again) and covered with felt.

It still fits my arm surprisingly enough and the glue is still farily supple, so light movement is fine but I'll never be able to use it as a full puppet. But I love it and am proud that my first attempt came out so well; I'll try it again when I have time and/or money.

Puppet (C) Courtney Young

Raver with a Twist

This is a character of mine I love. His name is Base Line and he's an albino giraffe anthro. He is also a Raver, of the Kandi Kid variety.

I love techno, electronika and rave fashion, though I probably couldn't pull it off myself and I can't dance at all. But that doesn't stop me from loving the subculture of it! His shirt says PLURR and it means Peace, Love, Unity, Respect and Responsibility, rules they tend to live by and ones I try to live up to.

I love him, but dang, those beads drove me nuts and my hand cramped so bad from all the little detail!

Base Line (C) Courtney Young

Welcome, Intro and Art

Hello, hello! This is the new private art blog for Courtney Young, or Shara as I'm known by most.

I am on Deviant Art but I've decided to make my own page to showcase my art.

I will still use DA, keep what I have already up there but I doubt I'll be posting selected things there so if you like my art this will be the place to come for all updates.

I'll post works in progress as well. And I don't finish art I work on a regular basis, so posts may be sporatic; I tend to draw something, move on to something else then go back to the first thing when I feel like it. It's just the way I work and frankly don't apologize for, art is supposed to be fun and for me, when it's forced, it loses that appeal.

A little info on me for those that don't know:

I am a 27 year old self taught artist living in Ohio, married for one year so far to the man of my dreams. I'm a Pagan and have been for nearly 13 years, with eclectic tastes and an even more eclectic way of following that Path. I'm also what is called an Otherkin, if you don't know what that or Pagan means, google it. I love reading and have thousands of books on all sorts of subjects but the majority are fantasy/science fiction. I pretty much draw what I want but I love making up new critters that look like they could be real, Speculative Biology heavily influences those peices. I'm a huge animal fan and have had many pets during my life, so nature is also a heavy influence for me, as is Cryptozoology which I follow with a voracious apetite.

That's all I can think of right now...but feel free to ask questions in the comments, I'll be glad to answer them!

SO! For the first entry, I present to you a picture of my husband and I in our Otherkin forms:

I'm the black Unicorn and my husband is the Kitsune. Just a nice relaxed pic of the two of us I felt like doing one day.

I drew the pic in pencil then inked it using a Pilot Precise V5 extra fine pen. I then colored and shaded it with colored pencils and went over that with marker, adding highlights with a white colored pencil once it dried. I use this process with most of my art, just an FYI.

So, that's my first entry on my very own gallery blog, hooray for me! *chuckles*

More to come, stay tuned and subscribe if you like my art please?
