Josh is my Muse, he fickle little demon boy that inspires my art whenever he frikken feels like it...and lately he hasn't felt like it, so not too much new art coming from me; most I've posted is nearly a year old by now. He aggravates me to no end.
One of the first NEW art pics I've done in ages, lol! A male Merhorse (or Hippocampus) that has lobster/shrimp like attributes. Not sure where it came from but the idea came and I had to draw it^^
This is one of my favorite characters, my little Naga man, Jamaani. He's nothing like most naga's as he has very little human in him, he's more an amalgam of many beings in naga form.
His coloring is loosely based on piebald snakes and the right arm is natural for him, the long scythe like claw is his main form of defense.
This was a critter from my imagination, not sure what part but he wanted drawn a while ago so here he is. His coloring is loosely based on my cat Gizmo.
Just a strange critter I came up with a while ago and just got around to scanning.
Feline based but can stand on two legs so...kinda humanoid as well.
The part I really like about this one is the fact that it has four eyes, the two top ones more feline to help with night vision; during the day they keep those ones closed but at night all four are open.